Internal Customer Satisfaction
Your Role

What is your Role in the hospital*

Your Name (Optional)


What is your Department*

Laboratory Service

How much are you satisfied with the "Ordering" of lab tests?*

How much are you satisfied with "Phlebotomy and Blood Collection" Service?*

How much are you satisfied with the "Completion of Results" of lab tests?*

How much are you satisfied with the "Quality of Results" of lab tests?*

How much are you satisfied with the "Design Layout of the Result Report" of lab tests?*

How much are you satisfied with the "Turn-Around-Time (TAT) of Results" of lab tests?*

How much are you satisfied with "Notification of Critical Results"?*

How much are you satisfied with "Notification of Corrected/Changed Results"?

How much are you satisfied with "Blood Bank Ordering/ Transfusion Service"?*

How much are you satisfied with the "Lab Staff" in general?*

How much are you satisfied with "Availability of Lab Test Enquiry or Information from Staff"?*

Have you used the information provided in:

Net Promoter Score

How likely is it that you recommend our lab service to others? (Please give score from 1 to 10 1 being very unlikely, and 10 being extremely likely)*

What is the main reason for your score above?

Do you have any suggestions for improvement?